Councillor Search
Broadland Calendar of Meetings
South Norfolk Calendar of Meetings
Broadland Meetings - papers
South Norfolk Meetings - papers
Joint Committees Meetings - papers
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Parish and Town Councils
Voting record
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Auber, Paul Auber
Baby, Bibin Baby
Bailey, Jo Bailey
Barrett, Sabrina Barrett
Beadle, Stuart Beadle
Bernard, Brendon Bernard
Berry, Peter Berry
Bills, David Bills
Blundell, Gary Blundell
Blundell, Sharon Blundell
Booth, Martin Booth
Bowe, Fraser Bowe
Brennan, Nigel Brennan
Brown, Chris Brown
Bulman, Peter Bulman
Carsok, Kim Carsok
Carver, Jonathan Carver
Catchpole, Sue Catchpole
Clancy, Stuart Clancy
Cook, John Cook
Copplestone, Jo Copplestone
Cork, Justin Cork
Cross, Kathryn Cross
Crotch, Adrian Crotch
Davis, Jan Davis
Dewsbury, Margaret Dewsbury
Douglass, Lacey Douglass
Easter, James Easter
Eddy, James Eddy
Eden, Calix Eden
Elliott, Richard Elliott
Elmer, Daniel Elmer
Emsell, Jonathan Emsell
Evans, Andrew Evans
Fowler, Nicola Fowler
Fuller, The Lord Fuller OBE
Goodman, Mark Goodman
Graham, Trevor Graham
Gurney, Shelagh Gurney
Harpley, Natasha Harpley
Harvey, James Harvey
Hempsall, Lana Hempsall
Holland, Susan Holland
Hooton, Martyn Hooton
Hudson, Clayton Hudson
Hurn, Kevin Hurn
Johnson, Bill Johnson
Jones, Simon Jones
Karimi-Ghovanlou, Caroline Karimi-Ghovanlou
Kelly, Ken Kelly
Kiddie, Keith Kiddie
Laidlaw, Terry Laidlaw
Laming, Eleanor Laming
Leggett, Kenneth Leggett MBE
Mancini-Boyle, Trudy Mancini-Boyle
Mason Billig, Kay Mason Billig
McClenning, Bob McClenning
McCloskey, Jenny McCloskey
McConnell, Carmina McConnell
Miah, Abu Miah
Minshull, Graham Minshull
Morland, John Morland
Murphy, Kieran Murphy
Murrell, Martin Murrell
Newstead, Paul Newstead
Nurden, Grant Nurden
Nuri-Nixon, Suzanne Nuri-Nixon
Overton, John Overton
Overton-Neal, Lisa Overton-Neal
Potter, Richard Potter
Race, Georgina Race
Ridley, Stephen Ridley
Riley, Steve Riley
Roberts, Dave Roberts
Roper, Dan Roper
Rosen, Michael Rosen
Rowe, Jeremy Rowe
Royal, Jess Royal
Sacks, Deborah Sacks
Savage, Robert Savage
Spratt, Ian Spratt
Starling, Lisa Starling
Starling, Nich Starling
Thomas, Dave Thomas
Thompson, Delme Thompson
Thomson, Vic Thomson
Tipple, Adrian Tipple
Tovell, Emma Tovell
Two, test Two
Vincent, Karen Vincent
Ward, Shane Ward
Wateridge, Suzanne Wateridge
Webber, Jim Webber
Whymark, Fran Whymark
Woolliscroft, Josh Woolliscroft
Yousefian, Tony Yousefian
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